Food on Set

On big budget films they always have all kinds of food, sandwiches, granola, broccoli heads, etc....

This is a low budget film. So a little different.

First, it's going to be cold a lot of the time. Well heck, all of the time - it's Minnesota after all. So I am going to attempt to have coffee and hot water for tea or hot cocoa available along with bottled water. By attempt, I mean that should we have power and don't run out.

Second, I will have granola bars, donuts, maybe some carrots, and other small snack sorts of foods, things I can bring in boxes that wont spoil. A few of the longer days we may have pizza or something I can order. I am from out of town and I don't have a place to prepare gourmet stuff so we are going to rough it the best we can OK? But you won't be starving.

Most of the days we have breaks half way through so you should be able to go and get whatever food you would prefer if you want. Thank you all for working with me on this.




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